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Charles Brand Welcomes CEF to Belfast Tidal Flood Alleviation Scheme

15 Aug 2022

Charles Brand had the pleasure of welcoming the CEF President, Mark Spence and David Fry to the Belfast Tidal Flood Alleviation Scheme.

The £17M Tidal Flood Alleviation Project involves the detailed design, and construction of almost 9km of flood defences from Cutters Wharf in the South of the City to Belfast Docks. The project aims to provide a long-term approach to tidal flood risk management in Belfast. Charles Brand will work in conjunction with RPS and Scheme Designers, Atkins, to deliver the Marine Civil Engineering Scheme.

The detailed design and construction stages are estimated to take at least 18 months to complete. Works have commenced on site and Mark and David were escorted to site by Business Development Director, Freddie Patterson, Charles Brand Director Patrick Harney, Project Manger Steven Tate and Health & Safety Coordinator Keith Gillespie.

Charlesbrand belfast tidal flood
Charlesbrand tidal flood
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