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Investors in People Gold Awarded to Lagan Specialist Contracting Group

02 Jun 2017

Lagan Specialist Contracting Group has been awarded gold accreditation against the Investors in People Standard yet again, joining the top seven per cent of accredited organisations across the UK, demonstrating their commitment to high performance through good people management.

Investors in People is the international standard for people management, defining what it takes to lead, support and manage people effectively to achieve sustainable results. Underpinning the Standard is the Investors in People framework, reflecting the latest workplace trends, essential skills and effective structures required to outperform in any industry. Investors in People enables organisations to benchmark against the best in the business on an international scale.

“We’d like to congratulate Lagan Construction Group, Investors in People accreditation is the sign of a great employer, an outperforming place to work and a clear commitment to success. Lagan Construction Group should be extremely proud of their achievement.”
Paul Devoy, Head of Investors in People

For more information about Investors in People please visit

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